At 211º F, water is just water. At 212º F, it will power a locomotive. Just a 1º shift. It’s the New Year. It’s snazzy to talk about everything you’re going to do be and have. Your BHAGs. Your Big Hairy Audacious Goals. I like BHAGs. I like...
Listening To Your Heart

Listening To Your Heart

What Is Your Heart’s Desire January 12, 2023 Hope deferred makes the heart sick,but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 How are you today? I hope you’re rested, refreshed, and satisfied after your holiday celebrations. But if, instead, you’re feeling...
How Do You Want It To Be

How Do You Want It To Be

Planning is important. We encourage our coaching clients and authors to do it. Getting clear on goals and objectives makes a huge difference. And raises the likelihood that you’ll achieve those goals and objectives. But life is not one thing. It’s the...
Start and See What Happens

Start and See What Happens

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. — Goethe It didn’t matter that I had sealed the seams.  Or that we had a tub floor.  Or that I had put a tarp over the site.  Water was everywhere. The...
You Could Be An owl

You Could Be An owl

He’s captured their hearts; grabbed their attentions; and piqued their imaginations. Millions followed him. Why? Because Flaco broke free. Flaco. The Owl. Who lived in the Central Park Zoo. Until, a vandal cut a hole in the wire mesh of his enclosure. And out...