Catching Dreams

Catching Dreams

And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. — Joel 2:28 Dreamer. The word has a bad rep. It connotes laziness. Distraction. Fuzziness. Idealism. To...
You Could Be An owl

You Could Be An owl

He’s captured their hearts; grabbed their attentions; and piqued their imaginations. Millions followed him. Why? Because Flaco broke free. Flaco. The Owl. Who lived in the Central Park Zoo. Until, a vandal cut a hole in the wire mesh of his enclosure. And out...
Bears Almond Milk and You

Bears Almond Milk and You

We have two bears. We call them Eric and Elissa. They like almond milk; and they’ll do just about anything to get it. If there’s something you really want, be a bear. ____________________________________________________________________________ When...
Quite A Terrible Cost

Quite A Terrible Cost

Sometimes, I like to pretend that I can multitask. Except that I really can’t. No one can. It’s not physiologically possible. Certain repetitive, habitual type things, of course, can get done at the same time, like tying your shoes while carrying on a...
When Your Cart Goes Off The Tracks

When Your Cart Goes Off The Tracks

This is the end of the line for most folks. This is where the cart goes off the track. Despite the most heartfelt resolutions, despite whatever the best intentions might have been, most folks give up on their New Year’s promises to themselves… right...