Embrace The F Word

Embrace The F Word

What’s your relationship with the F word? I’m talking about fun! Because life should be fun. Joy is your birthright. But given the intensity of your life, given how many demands there are for your time, quality F doesn’t just happen. It needs to be planned. It...
A Recreation Day

A Recreation Day

I objected to it. I railed against it. I didn’t want to do it. It seemed wasteful. Lazy. Uninspired. Counterproductive. Take a rest day. Who does that? Turns out, a lot of (smart) folks do. I’ve joined the bandwagon. Happily. The rest of the day is not a foreign...
Fake Ones

Fake Ones

You don’t want to have fake ones. They’ll leave you frustrated and depressed. You definitely want a real one. And least from time to time. But that’s entirely up to you. When we help people create businesses, we start with lifestyle design before...

About the ‘R’ word

The R word. I found it pretty unsettling at first. She slid it into the conversation. Nonchalantly. And I didn’t really understand its meaning. You see, I was training for my first marathon. I’d never run a marathon before. Ann, my amazing wife and...