Dress Slowly

Dress Slowly

When you’re in a hurry, dress slowly. A really good mindfulness mantra, attributed to Napoléon in battle. A mantra I use in the mounatins. Good for daily life too! Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. When you’re in a hurry, slow the action...
How To Burn Out Faster

How To Burn Out Faster

People love hacks. And this is a good one. It will help you burn out faster. Now, many people would like to avoid burning out. But not all. So listen in; and take notes! If, by chance, you do want to avoid burnout, then, well, toss out your notes. Focus on doing one...
Mindfulness and Your Shoes

Mindfulness and Your Shoes

You probably move at the speed of life; which these days is likely way too fast. Like a tiny silver ball in an arcade machine, you ricochet all day long. Bouncing against all of the competing demands. You end up exhausted and depleted only to wake up and do it all...
Space The Final Frontier

Space The Final Frontier

en puttering in my garden. I love my garden. But I find puttering to be a challenge. You see, I’m a big believer in action: Doing, achieving, accomplishing; moving like a shark lest I perish from inertia. Steeped, as I am, in the cultural paradigm that, in...
Push Pause Right Now

Push Pause Right Now

You get to stop from time to time. In fact, you need to stop. Our technology, meant to free us, actually enslaves us. We’re ‘on’ 24/7/365. There’s no space; no respite. We’re expected to be at the net ready to volley. We’re expected to react: Immediately. Forget about...