Wretchedly Out Of Shape

You’re wretchedly out of shape. I could be wrong. But I doubt it. I’m not talking about your yoga or pilates or gym prowess. I’m talking about your brain. The ability to do deep work is one of the most valuable attributes in business and in life. I...

About the Poop

Did you know that there’s a link between poop and productivity? There is! I discovered it recently when preparing for a keynote. Productivity doesn’t mean working harder. It means working smarter. More done, in less time. Without the stress or overwhelm. I...

Escape the riptide

Are you caught in the riptide, the current, the slipstream of life? If you are, you aren’t alone. Back at the beginning of the year, we set an important business goal. Then realized this week, that we’d done nothing, really, to advance it. One day turns...

Running For Your Life

Why? Why do you run? I get this question a lot. Especially now as I train for my 100 mile ultra. I could give a George Mallory-like response when asked why he wanted to climb Everest: he said, “Because it’s there.” “I run because I can,” I might say. Which, like...

A Harsh Reality

It seemed like such a good idea. In the moment, at least. Now… well… hmm. Not quite as jazzy. But that’s often the way it is, isn’t it? It’s one thing to think about it. It’s another thing entirely to make it happen. Small steps;...