About White Space

About White Space

He was overwhelmed. Stressed out. “Slammed,” he said. Of course, my client, a young lawyer, is not alone. A significant majority of business professionals and execs cite lack of time as their biggest challenge in achieving career goals. I looked at a screenshot of my...
Manifesting BS

Manifesting BS

Are you manifesting a bright New Year? A 2023 Tesla? A marathon-ready body? Dollars instead of crypto in your bank account? I hope not. Oh, sure, manifesting is “in.” Hashtag trending, in fact! Indeed, you needn’t look far. The purveyors of...
Get Burned Out

Get Burned Out

Burnout gets a bad rap. Stress and overwhelm too. But here’s the thing: big goals require you to stretch way beyond your comfort zone. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body,”...

I Fell Off The Wagon

I’m not proud of it. It doesn’t happen often; but I hate it when it does. Because chaos reigns. There’s only one solution really. In every moment, there is the opportunity to begin again....

Like A Hamster On A Wheel

I was jarred by his words. I had stopped along the road to chat with my neighbor. Sean was building a stone wall across the front of his property. He had been at it for months; and it was quite beautiful to behold. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his dirty...