How Do You Want It To Be

How Do You Want It To Be

Planning is important. We encourage our coaching clients and authors to do it. Getting clear on goals and objectives makes a huge difference. And raises the likelihood that you’ll achieve those goals and objectives. But life is not one thing. It’s the...
Sucked Into The Vortex

Sucked Into The Vortex

It’s December, and you’re being pulled into the vortex of time. The maelstrom is all around you! Can you feel it? After Halloween, the year just seems to accelerate. After Thanksgiving, the days move forward at warp speed. The commitments and the demands and the lists...
That Lying Lizard

That Lying Lizard

“It’s steeper near the top,” Seth Godin writes in his chapter on Resistance. This is not always true. I’ve crested many a summit ridge after a steep and arduous ascent to find a short, gentle walk to the top. But I think I know what Godin means. So...
Handcuffed To The Bed

Handcuffed To The Bed

Would that it were so! That might have been interesting. But alas… it was not my bed… I was handcuffed to work that was sucking my soul. I loved law school. The reading, the research, the classroom, the debates, the arguments. All of it. But within months of...
Add Water At Your Peril

Add Water At Your Peril

Winemakers in Châteauneuf-du-Pape must adhere to strict guidelines if they wish to present their wines to the marketplace as wines from the Châteauneuf-du-Pape region . One curious rule is that, except in extraordinary circumstances (and then only...