

Eleven hours a day. That's a long time. At what cost? https://youtu.be/rQbA-EZQc2I “All of humanity's problems stem from our inability to sit quietly in a room alone,” the philosopher Blaise Pascal said way back in the 1600s. It is even truer today. Disconnect to...

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Get Burned Out

Get Burned Out

Burnout gets a bad rap. Stress and overwhelm too. But here's the thing: big goals require you to stretch way beyond your comfort zone. https://youtu.be/dJ-o8BFE55U “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well...

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The Problem With Freedom

The Problem With Freedom

You're likely a fan of freedom. I am. In fact, it's one of my highest values. Freedom to come and go; freedom to adventure and travel; freedom to work when and where and if we want. Freedom to choose. It's damn good stuff. But there's a catch. "Freedom makes a huge...

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