Are you trying to be everything to everyone? How’s that working out for you? Probably not so well. Most lawyers I see who cling to the “general practitioner” model are really struggling. It is hard to know enough and be enough to solve every legal problem that comes...
How to Avoid the Trap: A Lawyer’s Lesson from the Golf Course
"Don't hit it in the trap!" "Make sure you avoid the water!". You don't have to be a golfer to know what is likely to happen after those kinds of swing thoughts. In this video, I share a simple shift that really works to get you better results in your practice, with...
How to REALLY get things done – much more quickly
"I need to get to the most important things on my list - much more quickly - because things are piling up". That's a pretty common refrain from my private coaching clients. It might be true for you too. The key isn't working harder, or even faster. You're going to...
The Hidden Cracks in Your Practice Foundation
Your law practice is like a house. Your house is only as strong as the foundation that supports the core structure and systems. Small cracks in the foundation become fissures and, left unattended, the house can become unstable or uninhabitable. And it certainly won't...
Why Practicing is no Fun
Doing more in less time requires practice, and practicing isn't fun. The reason practice is often not much fun is simple: it involves failure. In order to achieve mastery in some areas, you have to become proficient in ALL of the subordinate skills in that domain. The...