One Secret to Improve Staff Productivity

One Secret to Improve Staff Productivity

If you want to escape the time-for-money trap you're going to need to delegate work to other people. That's a challenge for many lawyers because they never learned the secrets of effective leadership and delegation. One place lawyers struggle with delegating is that...

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Your are NOT Alone

Your are NOT Alone

Adam is, by all outward appearances, a successful litigator who’s got his “stuff” together. He also has a secret. Behind the facade, in the wee small hours of the morning - and often at the office - he feels completely out of control. He is stuck in a cycle of...

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Beware of the “Readiness Trap”

Beware of the “Readiness Trap”

How many times have you wanted to take a huge leap, but the fear of the future prevented you from doing something? Fear and uncertainty keep you from taking the risks that you need to grow - and survive. There's no such thing as certainty. Readiness is an illusion. A...

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