If you want to escape the time-for-money trap you're going to need to delegate work to other people. That's a challenge for many lawyers because they never learned the secrets of effective leadership and delegation. One place lawyers struggle with delegating is that...
Your are NOT Alone
Adam is, by all outward appearances, a successful litigator who’s got his “stuff” together. He also has a secret. Behind the facade, in the wee small hours of the morning - and often at the office - he feels completely out of control. He is stuck in a cycle of...
Lawyers & cross-selling: How to get clients to retain you for additional matters
Your clients know you for solving one specialty* or type of problem - and they give work to other lawyers that you would love to get. Here's how to make them aware of the other things you do so they bring that business to you. *P.S.. Yes, I know we lawyers are...
Beware of the “Readiness Trap”
How many times have you wanted to take a huge leap, but the fear of the future prevented you from doing something? Fear and uncertainty keep you from taking the risks that you need to grow - and survive. There's no such thing as certainty. Readiness is an illusion. A...
Selling Legal Services Doesn’t Have to be a Soul-Sucking Experience
Selling has a bad rap in the legal community. When I was a young lawyer it was made clear to me that “lawyers don’t sell”. Selling was (and by some still is) viewed as unprofessional or unbecoming. We were supposed to do “business development” and learn how to “make...