One Mistake Successful Lawyers Need to Avoid.

One Mistake Successful Lawyers Need to Avoid.

You're used to going fast and getting a lot done. Since you are used to success you accomplish something big - or achieve a significant milestone and your brain is immediately shifting to the next thing that needs to happen. After all - there is no time to lose! And...

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Cross 50% Off your to do list

So many professionals struggle with time management because they feel like they need to be available to their clients at all hours of the day or night. The truth is you can keep clients happy. And you can protect your time. That's the topic of today's video....

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The One “R” you really need

The One “R” you really need

You need a lot of "R" words in your world: Rest, recovery, recuperation, remuneration, reason, and resourcefulness - to name a few. Above all the most important R you need for yourself and your business is resilience. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly...

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