You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out. –Steve Jobs
I have a client – articulate, driven, highly educated and talented – whose business is failing.
Because she doesn’t love it.
I have a friend who is having a devil of a time landing a job in a field in which he has worked for years – and excelled.
Because he doesn’t love it.
Love for what you do is the only thing that sets you apart.
Love for what you do is the only thing that will sustain you.
Benjamin Bloom (of Head Start fame), while he was a professor at the University of Chicago, did a study of 120 outstanding scholars, artists, and athletes. He was trying to figure out what made them tick; and even more important, what common factors contributed to their greatness.
He controlled for intelligence; he controlled for family background. He discovered that geography didn’t matter; that race didn’t matter; that socio-economic advantage didn’t matter; and that it didn’t matter whether these folks were ‘naturally smart.’ The only thing – the one common denominator – that distinguished these folks was extraordinary drive.
And the only thing that fuels extraordinary drive… is passion.
A love for the ‘game.’
A love so keen that it propels you out of bed in the morning and sets the day on fire.
A love so strong that you can take the heat, endure the pain, keep the faith, go the distance.
There are lots and lots of sales people, countless Internet marketers, a bazillion coaches, more lawyers than real people, doctors out the ying yang. A nearly inexhaustible selection of authors and artists and plumbers and HR managers and executives and electricians.
Your ‘job,’ your position, is not unique.
But you are.
Over the long haul, you can never compete on price, credentials, ‘novelty,’ flashy ads or noise.
Because at that level, everyone looks the same. Your voice disappears in the landscape.
All noise; and no signal.
But when you’re on fire, you stand out.
When you’re filled with passion, there is no one else who looks like you. No one else who can possibly compete.
When you claim your own authentic voice, there is no competition.
None at all. Your success is guaranteed.
Your energy signature is yours alone. It carries the day.
Here’s the truth: Just because you’re good at something, or have done something for a long time, doesn’t mean you should keep on doing it.

Dale Carnegie once said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”
And you can’t possibly have fun unless you’re really feelin’ the love.
Steve Jobs said, “[T]he only way to do great work is to love what you do…. Don’t settle”
You are called to do great work.
Find that love.
Don’t ever settle.