Work Is Life

She’s wrong.

Current TikTok influencer Zaiad Khan is dead wrong when she says that it’s “unnecessary to subscribe to the hustle culture mentality that work has to be [your] life.”

Work is your life.

In the same way that your art is your life; your relationships; your family; your avocations; your wellness and wellbeing.

It’s all your life.

When I first began this work sixteen years ago, I used to preach and teach work-life balance.

That was bullshit too.

There is no work-life balance.

There’s just life.

And sometimes there’s no balance whatsoever.

Like when I was a single dad and managing partner of a law firm. There was only making lunches, packing backpacks, driving to practice fields, helping with homework, reading bedtime stories, and trying cases.

You may be in the season of caring for an ailing parent, or navigating through a tricky relationship, or closing the deal that will catapult your career.

That’s what’s happening in your life.

And balance, well that’s like some distant fairy tale bedtime story.

To marginalize any part of life is to dishonor all of what life is.

This is especially true when it comes to our work.

From the dawn of time, we have worked.

To take care of ourselves, our families; and to contribute to our communities.

Hunting. Gathering. Farming.

With the rise of the industrial revolution, manufacturing and producing

Now, professional services and tech.

Even TikTok influencing!

In ways big and small, you are called to work.

It’s part of the fabric of your life.

It’s a fundamental expression of who you are and how you are in the world.

To see it as “unnecessary” diminishes the whole.


I help entrepreneurs and business professionals create work that light them up and sets them free. If that sounds like something that you’d like, let’s connect for a call. Email me: [email protected]