I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But being a social media influencer is not a job.
Even though a recent U.S. survey found 54% of 13- to 38-year-olds want to become social media influencers; even though you can buy a bunch of books about it; and even though you can enroll in a program to “become” one; it’s NOT a job!

That’s not to say that you can’t be an influencer. Or won’t be one. Likely you will be an influencer (in one way or another). And hopefully a good one!
But being an influencer is the result of the work you do in the world, who you are in the world; how you are in the world.
You influence by your words and example.
Ann and I had the privilege of studying with the great Les Brown, a legend in the public speaking arena. People often refer to him as a “motivational speaker.” But at lunch one day, Les said, “No one hires a motivational speaker. Organizations hire speakers to help solve a problem that their members are experiencing. Or, said a different way, organizations hire speakers to help motivate their audience so they can become more effective with respect to a certain certain challenge or opportunity. Les, himself, in his early work, motivated sales professionals to be better sales people.
Just being “motivational” is insufficient.
Motivate to do what?
Being an influencer is insufficient.
Influence others to do what?
To influence, one must possess hard-won experience, understanding, and wisdom.
Compassion, empathy and a servant’s heart are helpful ingredients.
And a willingness to share.
In the work we do helping entrepreneurs and professionals to harness their knowledge so that they can create businesses that will set them free, we focus deeply on problem and solution: Solve an urgent problem for another person or entity and you will be successful.
Do it enough times, you might even become an influencer.
We can help you create an extraordinary business that will give you impact and help you influence others, and make you a ton of money in the process. Email me and we’ll set up a discovery call: [email protected]