Have you already settled back into the familiar slipstream?

The year began with so many possibilities.

A few weeks in, it’s easy to lose sight of them.

But you can still claim those hopes and dreams you had back on the threshold of the New Year. You can still choose.

  • Will you choose health and fitness?
  • Will you choose work that deeply satisfies?
  • Will you choose a relationship that nourishes and enriches?
  • Will you choose to serve and share?
  • Will you choose to learn and grow?

Or will you default to the same old same old?

Most folks who make New Year’s resolutions – and frankly only a few brave souls even bother – abandon the effort by the end of January (that’s right, by the end of this month). That’s because their “why” isn’t big enough; their drive is not strong enough; their discipline is not honed enough; and their vision is not clear enough.

And then this year becomes just like the last. SODD. (Same old shit different day.) Dull, bland, and vanilla.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can create a masterpiece. You can choose to make your life extraordinary. You can design a life lived on your own terms, rich and full and satisfying: A purpose-driven life.

Designing It Yourself is not easy; it’s not simple. The DIY path is steep and winding.  There are obstacles and dangers; fears and frustrations; and failures along the way.

And it’s certainly not for the faint of heart. Those who take on the project of life design know that the road ahead will be filled with challenges, that they will need good mentors and coaches, that they will need to avoid the naysayers, and that they will need to surround themselves with folks who will affirm their effort and support the journey.

But, damn, it’s a whole lot more interesting – and fun; a whole lot more textured and satisfying – filled with wonder and awe – than vanilla.

To live out loud; to push beyond your comfort zone; to explore the impossible; to live with intention and purpose, with passion and possibility, with vision and hope; to live a life designed and co-created; to share with the world the gifts that are yours alone to share; to serve at the highest level possible; to lead the way for others: That is your call.  That is the obligation that each of us has in the world.

And if you take on this challenge, if you live from that place of authenticity and vibrancy, then a year from now, you will look back and say, “Wow, what a ride this has been.”

Step up. This is your year.


If you’d like support along your chosen path, schedule a complimentary breakthrough strategy session today! Email me at: [email protected]