This is the end of the line for most folks. This is where the cart goes off the track.

Despite the most heartfelt resolutions, despite whatever the best intentions might have been, most folks give up on their New Year’s promises to themselves… right about now.
Not because they didn’t mean what they said.
Not because they didn’t want to change… because they did.
Not because they don’t have dreams for a better life… because they do.
But because life gets in the way.
I know. I was a single dad for a dozen years raising three young boys. I would get up (too late) in the morning, run around getting dressed, getting the kids up, finding the lost socks, and the lost homework, making the lunches, packing the lunches, unpacking and re-packing the back-packs, running the kids to school, tearing off to my office, arriving (too) late to gather up my files, speeding off to court, tying my tie in the rearview mirror and balancing the coffee in my lap (and spilling it), getting the call from daycare to come back because the kid had a 103º fever or head lice or both, scheduling parent-teacher meetings in between client calls, rushing off to soccer practice, making dinner, mitigating the fights, helping with the homework, returning emails and phone calls, and falling into bed exhausted and depleted… only to wake up the next day and do it all over again.
I know.
But change can happen. (I know this too.) What you really, really want in your heart matters. Your hopes, dreams, and aspirations matter. They are the call of your Spirit, the Divine within you, to live your best life; to share those gifts that are yours and yours alone to share with the world in the most perfect way possible.
And it’s not too late. (It’s never too late.) Yes, January may be over. But the canvas of this New Year still awaits you.
Here’s what’s true: All you need to do is apply a very basic success principle, one of the easiest of all success principles. Take tiny, tiny steps.
- At just 1 pound a week, you’ll still lose more than 40 pounds this year
- At just 1 page a day, you’ll have well over 300 pages for your book
- At just 1 watercolor a week, you could mount an entire show
- One job application a day is 30 in a month
- One extra sales conversation every single day might double your sales
Take that tiny step today. Just for today. And then do it again. And again the next day. Small steps magnified by time leading to magnificent results.
But today, just think about this day. And take just one tiny step forward.
Remember, races are run one stride at a time; businesses built one product at a time, one customer at a time, one sale at a time; mountains are climbed one step at a time; novels written one sentence at a time; symphonies written one measure at a time; and cathedrals built over generations one stone at a time.
Go back to the beginning of the year, and remember why it was that you wanted to set out on your path. Reclaim that grand vision of that perfect life that is yours.
In every moment of danger, there is also opportunity.
Opportunity still waits for you.
If you’d like help getting your cart back on the track, email me: [email protected]