Listen To The Voice

Do you feel a call to do something else?

Maybe it’s a feeling of dissatisfaction. Or boredom. Or unease.

Or maybe it’s a sense that there’s a higher or deeper purpose that you’re meant for.

Maybe it’s a deep, deep longing that just won’t go away.

Whatever it is, don’t ignore it.

No matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it might feel.

Because here’s what’s true: You have a natural gravitational pull that’s unique to you.

“I feel that there’s something more, something different, that I’m supposed to do.”

It’s that refrain I hear over and over again.

And there is deep truth in it.

That still small voice is the Spirit within you. Listen to it.

You have a brilliant mind. You can come up with a bazillion reasons why you should keep your head down and keep doing what you’re doing. But life is short.

“Many people die with their music still in them,” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. wrote. Why is this so? “Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.”

Don’t let time run out, Listen to your heart. It always knows the way.