I liked the rocking chair. A lot.
But I didn’t love it.
So it was a “no.”
There’s lots of great deck furniture out there in the world.
I have that perfect rocker in my mind’s eye.
It’s got to be exactly right.
As in, it has to be a “hell yes!”

We apply that standard liberally.
To business opportunities. Potential hires. Travel destinations. Adventure possibilities.
You see, life is way too short for indifference, for mediocracy.
And with the panoply of choices, why settle?
Leadership expert John Maxwell says, “Learn to say ‘no’ to the good so you can say ‘yes’ to the best.”
And remember: “No” is a complete sentence.
So when confronting a choice, make it either “Hell yes; or no.”
“Meh,” not so much.
All too often, business professionals settle when it comes to their careers. If you’re feeling “meh” about your work, we should talk. Email me: [email protected]