If You Were Not Afraid

I help mid-career professionals create their exciting next chapters.

My clients are amazingly diverse. They’ve enjoyed careers in myriad arenas. They are lawyers, doctors, allied health practitioners, mortgage brokers, realtors, and financial planners.

They’re ready for a change.

But there lies the problem.

Because change is scary.

My clients have made money, earned accolades, established reputations, and climbed their ladders of success.

And now are starting out anew.

Which can cause them to get stuck.

Here’s the question I ask: What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

They always know.

The question is valuable not only in career change, but at every inflection point in our lives: A new product or program; a book idea; some time away; a grand adventure; the possibility of a new relationship.

When you feel the fear, ask the question: What would I do if I weren’t afraid.

Then do that.