Would that it were so!
That might have been interesting.
But alas… it was not my bed…
I was handcuffed to work that was sucking my soul.

I loved law school. The reading, the research, the classroom, the debates, the arguments. All of it.
But within months of graduating, I’d realized that being a trial lawyer was a terrible fit for me.
The constant combat; the unhappy combatants; the hermetically sealed office; the 70-hour weeks.
But I’d come out of school with a mound of debt. I had a big suburban house, a mortgage, 2.2 children, and a minivan.
I was really good at what I did, and I made a lot of money doing it.
I liked the money. (I needed the money.)
But my soul was being sucked away.
I was trapped. (Or so I thought.)
Golden handcuffs, the therapist said.
Kinda like trapping monkeys, I later discovered.
If you want to catch a monkey, you cut a hole in the top of a coconut, just large enough for a monkey to slip its hand into. You chain the coconut to the ground, and wait.
Along comes a hungry monkey. It slips its hand into the coconut and grabs the soft meat of the coconut. But, with its fist now closed, it can’t pull its hand out of the hole.
Boom, you have a monkey.
Which sounds pretty dumb on the monkey’s part, because all it needed to do was to open its clenched fist, let go of the meat, and run free.
But once a monkey grabs hold of something, it’s hard to let go.
So I held on, even though I knew that the job was slowly killing me.
Too many years went by.
I didn’t know then that when I finally found the courage to release my grip, and run free, that the work I would discover would provide joy beyond my wildest imagination. And a wonderful income too.
What are you grasping onto?
What would it be like to let go?
I can help you escape soul-sucking work. Email me. We’ll set up a call: [email protected]