Embrace The F Word

What’s your relationship with the F word?

I’m talking about fun!

Because life should be fun.

Joy is your birthright.

But given the intensity of your life, given how many demands there are for your time, quality F doesn’t just happen.

It needs to be planned. It needs to be intentional.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke about it this way:

“Starting every year, before I booked anything, agreed to any meetings or conferences, we’d sit down with my assistant and we looked at our lives first,” Obama said. “We put potlucks in there, we put date nights in there, I put my workouts, we put our vacations on the calendar first, we put sports things and summers. We planned that out first, and then what was left would be left for work.”

Likely, you’re not busy running the household that runs the free world. Which means that you could approach your life this way too!

It begins by being mindful and intentional.

What do you value?

What matters most?

What will you regret not doing when the sands of your life have slipped through the glass?

Get clear on those things.

Then get them on the calendar.

Your health and wellness. The adventures and vacations. The date nights. The getaways. The magic moments.

Make appointments with yourself.

Then dial the work in around those things.

Not the other way around.

Because the sand will slip through the glass.

And there are no do-overs.