The world needs people who are fully alive. What makes that happen for you?

More Time Won’t Solve These Problems
I've been teaching time management strategies to lawyers for more than 20 years. Most attorneys come to our CLEs for tips and strategies - many of which they've heard before - like time-blocking, scheduling the whole appointment, turning off notifications, and working...
A Harsh Reality
Setting a big goal can be fun. Achieving it is a whole other thing.
Comfortable Lies that Keep You Trapped
Beware the comfortable lies that keep you from living the life you deserve. Lies like: "It's just too late for me", or "I don't have any transferrable skills". The biggest lie of all is that you have to figure it all out yourself. As if there is some trophy for going...

Busting Midlife Career Myths-2
Let's keep busting midlife career myths … So here are another few of my favorites and why they are B.S. … 1. To find real satisfaction you'll need to change careers. So many professionals are dissatisfied - but they are not sure why. They think the answer is to do a...