Athletes and entertainers know that rest and recovery are essential for peak performance. It would be good for the rest of us to know that too.

Athletes and entertainers know that rest and recovery are essential for peak performance. It would be good for the rest of us to know that too.
When you give yourself the gift of quiet, when you open up that space, your sense of possibility expands. In that space you will see.
Sometimes, I like to pretend that I can multitask. Except that I really can’t. No one can. It’s not physiologically possible. Certain repetitive, habitual type things, of course, can get done at the same time, like tying your shoes while carrying on a...
Why? Why do you run? I get this question a lot. Especially when it comes to running long distances. I could give a George Mallory-like response when asked why he wanted to climb Everest: he said, “Because it’s there.” “I run because I can,” I might say. Which, like...
It’s not possible to keep going 24/7/365. It’s not sustainable. It essential to pause, to stop, to rest, recharge and renew.