From a distance, a lot of it looks easy. You want to make it easy for the people you care about. The Internet, in fact, wants you to think that all of it's easy. The 1 key, the 5 steps, the super-simple formula that leads, overnight, to meteoric success. But... it's...
My Blender Your Legacy
I had to toss it in the garbage. It made me sad. It should have lasted longer. But it didn't. Not much does anymore. But it doesn't need to be that way. You can choose differently.
Light And Hope Return
The long slide into darkness is over. The Light returns. It is an inflection point. Will you seize this moment? What will you choose? What will you create anew? Inflection points can be exciting. They can push you beyond your comfort zones...
Getting Separated
Some relationships just don't work out very well. This one hasn't been working for me. I needed to take matters into my own hands. You may need to as well.
Failure Is The Only Way
This may be a disruptive success principle. It certainly was for me. I was raised to avoid failing at all costs. Unerring excellence was the only way. But that lesson turned out to be wrong. Building something new...