How to Get Staff To Do What you Need Them To Do

How to Get Staff To Do What you Need Them To Do

"I just wish they would do their job!" Linda was pretty frustrated with her assistant, Nancy. There was plenty of work to do and she felt like Nancy was not as productive as she could be. Linda was so busy with her own work that she didn't have time to manage them....

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Why Aren’t You Delegating?

Why Aren’t You Delegating?

Your to-do list is packed full of more stuff than you'll ever complete. You're stressed out because you feel like you need to be everything to everyone - everywhere all the same time. You're so busy with what's right in front of you that work you know you must do...

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Escape the “Always On” Trap …

Escape the “Always On” Trap …

Our most difficult leadership challenge is the 6" space between our own ears. It's a mind and mindset game that can feel rigged against us. Especially when you're the "continuous improvement" person who is relentless about always trying to be better, think better, be...

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Why Good Employees Quit

Why Good Employees Quit

Your team is running like a well-oiled machine. Finally. You might think that this is the time for a sigh of relief and to focus on other things for a change. That would be a mistake. The best CEOs are always working on protecting and developing their team - even when...

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