Let's debunk the destructive and silly "Slippery Slope" argument. In a slippery slope argument, a course of action is rejected because, with little or no evidence, one insists that it will lead to a chain reaction resulting in an undesirable end or ends. Add in a dose...

Negativity is Such a Downer … and How to Break the Cycle
Running a law practice doesn't have to be such a drag. One way to make it better very quickly is to recognize your negativity bias and be intentional about challenging how it impacts your world. And yes, we all have a negativity bias. Especially lawyers. Negativity...

The Most important hour of your day
What if there was a system that, once learned, could recover at least 2 hours of productive time each day? What would you do with the time? How would you use the extra day? Would you leave on time so you could spend time with the family? How about some "you" time to...
Golf & Law: Knowing How is Not Enough
Have you noticed that knowing what to do and how to do it are not enough? We accept it in sports, like golf. Yet we forget it when it comes to business things like marketing and time management. This video will help. https://youtu.be/CQzdrAsDzIw

Recover (at least) 1 Hour of Your Day – Starting Today!
Are you constantly assaulted by vibrations, beeps, blips, bings, and dings from your computer, tablet, cell phone, or “smart" device? How many do you get each day? A recent study found that the average smartphone user gets as many as 60 push notifications per day! If...