I want to talk with you about that lie that you tell.

That one you tell all the time.
To yourself; to anyone who will listen.
That soothing lie.
That seductive pernicious one.
The one that goes like this: There’s time.
That there will be time to go on that trip you want to take, that second honeymoon, that book you want to write, the degree you want to get, the art you want to make, that new job, the new career….
That there will be time to heal the rift, soothe the hurt, and fulfill the dream.
That there will be time to connect with your precious boy, your sweet girl, that beautiful grandchild.
That there will be time to walk hand in hand on the beach; slow dance in the city square on a summer night; sip the coffee; savor the wine; and watch the sunset.
That there will be time after you get through this quarter, this year; after you’ve made a partner; gotten the promotion; after you’ve lost the weight; after the kids are out of high school, or college, or their student loans are paid off; after you’ve finished with the mortgage; after your husband retires; or you retire….
I want to talk with you about it because 2023 is a distant memory; you said maybe you’d get to it after the holidays, and it’s the middle of January…. because this year will disappear in the rearview mirror as fast as the last.
I want to talk with you about it because tomorrow is promised to no one; because now is all there is, and now is all you have.
I want to talk with you about that lie you tell… because I tell it too.
When the time is right, when you’re ready to switch up the game, let’s talk. Email me: [email protected]