A Harsh Reality

It seemed like such a good idea.

In the moment, at least.

Now… well… hmm.

Not quite as jazzy.

But that’s often the way it is, isn’t it?

It’s one thing to think about it.

It’s another thing entirely to make it happen.

Small steps; small, consistent steps; over time.

That’s what it takes to transform a dream into something real.

Commit to taking a small step every single day.


I have a coach to help me achieve this goal. Because I know that I’ll have a higher probability of achieving this this goal working with someone who knows the path, who will guide me along it, and hold me accountable for staying on it. If you’ve got an audacious goal, and would like help getting achieving it, we have an amazing team of coaches. Let’s see if the fit might be right. Email me: [email protected]