Doing more in less time requires practice, and practicing isn’t fun.
The reason practice is often not much fun is simple: it involves failure.
In order to achieve mastery in some areas, you have to become proficient in ALL of the subordinate skills in that domain.
The process is the same – whether you are trying to master your time, your golf game, or any other skill.
You can’t just concentrate on those bits that come easily or that you already do well, you also have to put in a fair amount of effort on the parts where you don’t perform well.
This means you are inevitably going to fail more than once, and probably quite a lot, on the way to achieving your goal. And most people don’t find failure to be particularly enjoyable.
So why go through all the effort of practicing?
The answer lies in the satisfaction you receive as you achieve your goals. When you are passionate about something. When it is really, really important you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get there.
Perhaps you are like many lawyers who are really passionate about simple things – like getting out of the office on time to do something important – like dinner with the family or being there for their kids’ events.
If you don’t want to leave this to chance then you’re going to have to practice mastering your time – because that’s a skill. It is the most important skill because it opens the door to everything else.
Practicing isn’t fun. And it is totally worth it.
What are you doing to practice your time mastery this week?
P.S… One of the most difficult things about practicing – especially when you’re trying to change established habits – is knowing where to start. If that sounds familiar. If you’ve tried of all the standard ‘tips’ and you’re still stuck then it’s time for a coach. If you’d like to see how that works – click here and let’s talk.