What’s your BIG problem?

Are you trying to be everything to everyone? How’s that working out for you?

Probably not so well. Most lawyers I see who cling to the “general practitioner” model are really struggling.

It is hard to know enough and be enough to solve every legal problem that comes through the door – and they are never sure what is coming through the door.

But you probably know that.

Did you know that even lawyers who have chosen a specific area of law are finding that they have to continue focusing and narrowing their scope to grow?

Yes, that actually works.

Narrow is power, and narrow leads to a better pool of qualified clients.

The key is identifying the very specific problems you solve for your clients – and what they are able to achieve by having these problems solved.

How would you answer the question: “So, what problems do you solve for your clients?”

Is your answer clear and compelling – not to other lawyers – but to the clients you serve?

If you’re like most lawyers you’ll find significant opportunities to improve your answer and when you do your marketing becomes dramatically more effective.


P.S… Check out this great new resource go get more done in less time – so you have time to do the marketing work.  Click Here for your copy
