Vacate and Recreate

Will you take one?

A real one?

I’m talking about a real vacation.

Where you actually get away. Away from the office, away from work, away from the screen, away from email, away from social.

Away from the slipstream of your life.

So that you can rest, and restore, and recreate.

I say a real one. Because way too many people take pretend ones.

“A working vacation,” which is decidedly not a vacation. Because when you continue to dip in and out of work, you deprive yourself of that opportunity to step completely out of the vortex; and reconnect with that deepest part of yourself.

To reconnect with your heart, and soul, and spirit.

To ground yourself again.

Getting away – really getting away – is essential for your wellness and wellbeing.

It is only from a place of deep rest, and recreation that you can sustain the important work you are called to do in the world.