Ten Thousand Hours Of Resting

You’ve heard of the 10,000 hour rule, yes?

Researched by Anders Ericsson and popularized by Malcolm Gladwell, the 10,000 hour rule suggests that in order to become an expert at something, you need to devote 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to the discipline.

Did you know that the 10,000 hour rule pertains to rest as well?

I didn’t think so.

Because, culturally, success has become defined by how long and hard you work.

“Busy” has become a badge of honor.

Yet… you’re not a machine.

You can’t keep going 24/7/365.

(You wouldn’t do that to your car. Or to your dog.)

It’s not sustainable.

The need for rest is axiomatic; it’s in the research… but few dare talk about it.

Athletes know it. Artists and entertainers know it.

And in your bones, you know it.

You actually need to rest.

Rest is a core component of success you want.

Rest makes you stronger. Better. Sharper. More resilient.

Able to do the work you’re meant to do in the world.

Able to serve the people you’re meant to serve.

Able to truly enjoy this magnificent gift that is your life.

So, yes, play full out. Devote the 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to your craft.

But don’t forget the rest.