You never know what lessons you might learn from twenty-year-old nonsense at the bottom of your drawer.
Walking through the mall circa 2005, I was minding my own business and this woman at a kiosk grabbed my attention and hard-sold me this nail treatment kit I had no interest in and no intention of buying.
My 20-something-year-old self went home in a daze and wondered what the hell just happened. How did I just buy this pricey kit that I really didn’t want or need?
I felt like an idiot.
I wasn’t at the point in my life where I had extra cash burning a hole in my pocket for things like fancy nails. Nor the inclination to even take the time to do it myself. I’m not really a manicure kind of girl. But that woman sold me on it and somehow I didn’t just walk away with my credit card still safely in my wallet.
This is coming up for me now because I just came across the cuticle oil from that kit in my drawer. Twenty years later, I still have it. Nearly full and mostly unused.
I did the stupidest thing I could have done after making a frivolous purchase, I made it too precious to use. It was expensive in my mind, so I didn’t want to go through it too fast and squander my hard-won prize. And then it sat in the bottom of a drawer and was wasted instead.
So I decided that regardless of it being twenty years old or not, I’m using that damn cuticle oil.
Too often we make things too precious to use, paralyzed by ‘what ifs’ – what if we break a piece of the fine china? What if the quilt that Grama made gets a snag in it? What if I go through all the cuticle oil?
The alternative is for those things to sit in the cabinet, closet, or drawer and not ever really be enjoyed.
What is the point of having these things if you’re not going to use them and enjoy them? So use the china, break out the handmade blanket, slather on the cuticle oil. Nothing is so precious that it should be wasted and unenjoyed. Life is too short.
What are you not allowing yourself to enjoy because you have somehow deemed it too precious? Are you ‘saving’ your dreams the way I saved that cuticle oil? Are you paralyzed by the what-ifs?
Whether it’s the business idea you’ve been polishing but never launching, the skill you’re waiting to be ‘ready’ to use, or the life changes you’re putting off until ‘the perfect time,’ I help women transform their relationship with what’s precious in their lives.
Let’s talk about how to start living your dreams instead of storing them away. Book a discovery call to learn how we can work together to dust off what’s at the bottom of the drawers of your life.