How to know if you need a business coach

It can be hard to determine if a business coach is a worthwhile investment for your business. Even the most seasoned veterans in business may find themselves wondering how much difference a coach can really make, especially if there are no major problems in the business currently. If you’re on the fence about hiring a coach, there are many telltale signs that a coach may benefit you. Check out some common signs that you need a coach and some ways to find a perfect fit for your business.

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Signs That a Business Coach May Be Helpful

Hiring a business coach comes with many benefits that can help your business run more efficiently. Check out these signs that indicate you may need a business coach.

  • You feel overwhelmed. If you feel like you need an extra hand, you may consider hiring a business coach.
  • Your business has stagnated. If you think you need fresh ideas, a business coach can help to maximize the potential of your business.
  • You want to develop new skills. Business coaches can help to expand your horizons, whether you want to develop leadership skills, logistics and management skills, or anything else.

Finding a Business Coach

With plenty of options on the market, you want to find a business coach that’s just the right fit for your company.

Get a Referral From an Entrepreneur

Consider reaching out to a successful entrepreneur when considering a qualified coach to hire. Seeing and hearing the success stories of other entrepreneurs can be just the lead you need to find the coach that’s right for you.

Insist on a Complimentary Consultation

To be sure you’re hiring somebody trustworthy, ensure you receive a free consultation at your first meeting. A business coach who agrees to this is likely to be more professional and authentic and worth your time. A coach who insists on getting paid immediately is one of the many red flags to avoid when searching for a coach.

Research Your Coach’s Credentials

To find a high-quality coach, conduct research on potential coaches’ credentials and past experiences. Finding a coach with a certification or a history of successful clients makes narrowing down your search easier. 

Resources If You Can’t Afford a Coach

If you can’t afford a business coach at the moment, you may consider taking advantage of low-cost or free websites, services, and tools. As an example, if a graphic designer doesn’t fit into your budget at the moment, you can use free tools in the meantime. A free logo maker app can help you design an image you can incorporate into many different aspects of your business, from marketing materials to invoices. There are many free tools available online, so look around and see what works for you.

Additionally, consider raising extra revenue by implementing a fully integrated purchasing process that utilizes an API to retrieve bank account balance information. This API will effectively prevent customers and clients from overdrawing their bank accounts when making a payment, which could result in NSF fees. Consider working with affordable freelancers to help you design a purchasing process that’s right for your business.

Finding the Right Fit

If you’re considering hiring a business coach, think about your goals and the areas of your business that need improvement. Finding the right coach can be an investment that helps your business grow beyond its current boundaries.

Summit Success offers executive coaching and we would love to find out if we are the right fit for you. Get in touch today!

-Guest blogger Dean Burgess