Bruised Fruit

I’m not saying I’m perfect. 

But when my husband goes grocery shopping, he tends to buy bruised fruit. 

So I don’t really like it when he goes to the grocery store for me. I hate wasting food and I know no one will eat a banana that’s half mushy. Or the bread that is the wrong brand or fat free or some other such thing that isn’t quite right. 

Even though I’m not perfect, I like my way of grocery shopping better than my husband’s. 

If I am going to be picky about the fruit and the bread and all the things,  then I have no choice but to do the shopping myself. 

This is something I have come to terms with in my life. 

My friend once told me that he didn’t like the fact that his husband left his wet towel on the floor of the bathroom after a shower. As many times as he asked him to pick it up, there it would sit in a soggy heap. 

My friend decided that if he didn’t want to have this towel issue persist in making him irritated and upset with his husband, he had to just let it go. Either he would pick up the towel himself and hang it for his messier other half, or he would let it sit in a soggy heap. But for him, it wasn’t worth the fight or the angst. 

You have to decide if you can deal with the bruised fruit or the soggy towel when you are going to be picky about things that just don’t matter as much to the other people in your life. 

If there are things that mean more to you than something as insignificant as a bruised banana or a sodden towel, have a conversation with your person. But if it’s not worth the fight, just let it go and do it yourself. 

And yes, it can be hard to know which fights are worth fighting with the people in your life. 

Here’s a question to work with when you’re wondering what to do: Will this (bruised banana/towel) thing really matter 6 months or a year from now? 

If you need some perspective, I can help coach you through these types of decisions. Send me a message and let’s talk.