3 Ways to Recharge Today

“My general exhaustion. That’s what’s been getting in the way”, she said.

And so started a great conversation with one of my private coaching clients who has a successful practice – that’s been wearing her out. And she needed to talk through some options to recharge herself.

You might be in her situation – or you might know someone in her situation.

Here are 3 things you can do to recharge today – and sleep better tonight.

First, decide what you want to create in the day (or week) ahead. Don’t just let it happen to you. You have the ability to be intentional and take control.

What do you want to experience?

What will others experience by being around you?

When you create a very clear and detailed mental picture of specifically how this will look and feel increases the chances of it actually happening. And you will feel more in control and less reactive.

Next, read something just for fun or inspiration.

Your mind probably needs a break. Is there something you’ve been meaning to learn about?

How about something completely fun to give your mind a mental vacation.

Finding a quiet spot to feed your mind, even if it is just for half an hour will make a big difference.

Finally, organize something.  Have you been tolerating disorganization and clutter?

It does tend to pile up rather quickly, and then it has a way of distracting you.

I’ve found that when your space feels organized and put together then I feel more focused and productive.

The act of organizing and tossing stuff out feels pretty good too – and you have something to show for it.

Bonus Tip: Take a moment today and call someone you haven’t talked to in a while – just to say hello and reconnect. They will be glad to hear from you – no matter how long it has been since you last talked.

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