I was miles into the race when she ran up behind me and matched my pace. I didn’t know her. But she clearly knew me.

“I loved your Facebook pictures from the Grand Canyon,” she said. “I envy your lifestyle.”
“Yeah, thanks, it’s pretty fine,” I gasped as I crested the hill.
She peeled off to the right.
If I hadn’t been hypoxic in the moment, I would have said more.
I would have said that envy is good.
Envy is a voicemail, a text message from your heart.
Envy tells you that there is something that is lacking, something that you want, something that your Spirit seeks, something that would bring you joy.
I would have said to her that you need to listen to your envy.
What’s it saying?
What’s not working? What needs to change? What needs to be subtracted? What needs to be added in?
What are the goals you are not attaining? What are the dreams you are not fulfilling?
Yeah, my lifestyle might be good. But what are you thirsting for? What is it that you want; that you really, really want?
Know your envy, befriend your envy, understand your envy. Deconstruct your envy. Hear its siren call.
And after you’ve snuggled with your envy for a bit, harness its energy.
Put it to work.
Too often envy can be turned inward; and become bitterness, resentment, victimhood.
Know that envy calls you higher.
Get clear. Take action. Grab hold of the life you want.
Envy is not a deadly sin. It is a gift.
Get busy. Use it.
… and if you want help getting to that life you really want, then let’s talk. Email me at [email protected]